Merlin is a British fantasy-adventure television programme, created by Julian Jones, Jake Michie, Julian Murphy and Johnny Capps and starring Colin Morgan in the title role. It was broadcast on BBC One from 20 September 2008 to 24 December 2012. The show is loosely based on the Arthurian legends of the young wizard Merlin and his relationship with King Arthur but differs from traditional versions. The show was influenced by the US drama series Smallville, about the early years of Superman,[3] and was produced by independent production company Shine Limited.
Merlin is a reimagining of the legend in which the future King Arthur
and Merlin are young contemporaries, however Arthur's father Uther
Pendragon has banned magic in Camelot on pain of death. It showed the
growth of King Arthur from a young, self-absorbed boy to the mighty king
in the legends as well as Merlin's colossal role in creating the
powerful Camelot. It was immensely popular and very well received by the
public.[citation needed]
In 2012, the show's producers announced that its fifth series would be
its last, with a two-part finale finishing the show on 24 December 2012.
The show was greenlit by the BBC in 2006, after unsuccessful
attempts. The series premiered in 2008 to mixed reviews which improved
as the series went on and good ratings, and proved popular on the BBC's
digital catch-up service, iPlayer.
It was commissioned by the BBC for a second series, and was shown in
the United States by one of the main broadcasters, NBC, though it later
moved to the cable network Syfy. It finished with a total of 65 episodes.
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